Neutral For example think if you're 1v1ing a guy and some hacker comes in and starts hitting one of the guys but wont hit the other and people can just trim the video and make it so both of the people get banned
We aren't talking about the same thing. To ban the other player, you'll need to record the part where he tped the hacker to him and show the hacker kill other players for him. I don't know if you understand now, but it's not the same thing as you said. Thanks dude!
No support. I don't like the idea of a player who isn't hacking getting banned because someone else is hacking. If you want to stand a better chance against hackers in kitpvp, suggest them remove the enderpearl cool-down.
Thanks! Don't you think that the player who isn't hacking needs to get banned too if he uses hackers for his own benefice? He uses hackers to have an unfair advantage over other players, just like if he hacked himself. This is only pure logic, but thanks for your opinion. (just saying, if you remove the enderpearl cooldown, you won't really have more chance against hackers who can bhop on water and have speed 10 without even rolling back.)
just imagine people can fake it soo much and get alot of people banned , it doesnt has to be a tp , people can like just a record a 2v1 , one of them being a hacker and both are banned .. i mean if u like get perfect proof only if they teleport someone to you i guess its fair then i have seen this stuff happen alot i go into rooms i get rushed by a donor and a hacker