Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for caring about others XD
banned for saying XD
Banned for saying XD
Banned for saying XD Lol
Okay, this could go on for a long time. Banned for saying 'Lol'.
banned for being 14
Banned for taking the time to realize that.
banned for taking you're time to wright that
Banned for skipping spelling class.
Banned for having an awesome profile pic ;)
Banned for being so fab
Banned Cuz U Too Kewl 4 Meh :p
banned for having your chat bold :P
Banned for having your chat boring and standard.
Ban for being perm ban
banned for being a builder
Banned for being a PvP Warlord with an underscore.
banned for my pic being sexy :P
Banned for having a sweet car that I dream of driving to pick up da ladies