Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for something
Banned for not having a emoticon in ur sentence.
Banned for having an emoticon in your sentence.
Banned for being a troll
Banned for being a human being.
Banned for living on a bus
Banned for capitalizing X in your name
Banned for capitalizing the A in ur name
Banned for : The Ban Hammer hired Zeus!
Banned for being a troll face.
banned for having an awesome profile pic
Banned for having being cute
banned for not having more than 8 words in your previous sentence
banned for not banning
Banned for not banning the person above you.
banned for banning me
banned for banning andrei before I could
banned for being awesome
banned for not yet having a profile pic
Banned for having a profile picture