Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for spamming this post
banned for being cool
(oh thanks) Banned for having a Z in your name
Banned for being the 755th
Banned for using the post number in your ban.
banned for having more than 2 numbers in ur username
banned for being an active member
banned for having a cute profile pic
Banned for no profile pic
Banned for being a hypocrite
banned for getting an achievement
Banned for being a fry that is a zigg
banned for having Huh in your signature
banned for being on this forum
Banned for banning someone without daddy's permission.
banned for being an edward
Banned for being a Paichu
banned for everything
banned for banning Andrei for banning for everything
Banned for nothing