Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for being a youtuber with less than 100 subs I guess.
Banned for being mean D:
Anyone who reads this gets banned by me and no longer has the authority to ban me ;)
banned for saying i no longer have the authority to ban u even tho i just banned u
banned for trying to explain something but failing
banned for roasting me
Banned for getting roasted
banned for not having a good ban reason
banned for (it's a secret )
banned for being number 6172
banned for banning myself
Banned for not following the thread rules
banned for following the thread rules
Band for banning someone for following the rules
Banned for having numbers in their name
Banned for being an active member
Banned for being uniygxkmrxgyswmznrshhkgbusgruhai.hsrti.h
banned for pushing random keys in white so no one sees :o
Banned for using an Emoji