Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for criticize My life moral ~layers
Banned for being weird.
banned for using the w word
Banned for not. Heh. Made it so you can only see this is if you're registered. HAHAHA >
Banned for banning the coolest player in the world (me)
Banned for being a bubble.
Banned for being able to ban
Banned for thinking I am able to ban (i'm not sure if thats what you meant....)
Banned for wearing an asshat
Banned for not making sense
Banned for making sense ~layers
Banned for using "~" ~HarryX
banned for using capitals
Banned for not using capitals
Banned for using red in your profile pic
Banned for using writing in your pic.
banned for posting after I banned you
Banned for having an UNDERSCORE in your name
banned for caps lock
Banned for being a kid