Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for saying she's scary.
Banned for being not creative
Banned for being too creative
Banned for banning Mr_Smiley_ for banning ImJustAndrew for defending me ;)
Banned for banning people for dumb reasons :t: lol
Banned for only having the word star in your profile pic ;)
Banned for banning me for a oversized picture
Banned for being an average sized picture
Banned for betaying a friend :o
Banned for being shocked that I betrayed a friend :>:p
Banned for being a cat.
Banned for banning a defenseless cat 3:
Banned for banning a defenseless cat
Banned for having an Epic cat in chur pfp.
Banned for being Kylo
For being fetti on .
Banned for having a guy as your profile picture.
Banned for being a Doctor.
Banned for being Pikachu and wearing sunglasses when it's dark :O Unrelated: OML 300 pages soon!!!
Banned for counting page numbers