Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
banned for knowing that I'm good at noticing things. ok now i'm not putting effort in, lmao.
Banned for admitting it.
Banned for not going to bed. But seriously, I'm tired, good night :>
Banned for sleeping :o
Banned for not letting princess go to sleep while she needed to go to sleep :P
banned for caring too much.
Ban for not having a nice profile picture
banned for having 6 numbers in your name
Banned for noticing the 6 numbers in her name.
Banned for noticing him noticing, 6 numbers in her name.
Banned for countering my ban :O
Banned for counter-ban.
Banned for countering my counter ban
Banned for almost making me ban you for countering my counter-ban.
Banned for noticing that pattern.
Banned for being head mod
Banned for not following the pattern. Edit: Banned for interrupting me.
Banned for noticing him breaking the pattern.
Banned for just banned me for "Banned"