Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for the period at the end of your ban
Banned for not putting a period.
Banned for not saying where to appeal at :3
Banned for being so sneaky. :t:
Banned for calling me sneaky. [Don't even know whether that's a good or a bad thing :p]
Banned for not knowing if it's good or bad.
banned for pointing out the obvious
Banned for saying that's obvious.
Banned for saying it's not obvious.
Banned for being annoying <3
banned for the heart
Banned for hating
banned for not hating
Banned for not loving.
banned for your signature
Banned for not not loving...
Banned for being from Skywars.
Banned for not waiting for Pony to finish.
banned for not knowing i was finished
Banned for being online