Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for having higher MCMMO than me.
Banned for being boring :P
Banned for editing your post after a failed attempt at banning taka.
GG Unbanned for being awesome!
Banned for failing at banning me. .-.
Banned for banning Zelda for failing at banning you which I noticed and banned him for.
Banned for not letting it go :t:
Banned for calling something that happened 30 minutes ago old.
Banned for using Georgia font
Banned for falsely saying I used a font.
Banned for using the same font (it is Georgia)
Banned cause lego.
Banned for being in the Illuminati.
Banned for banning somone in the illuminati
Banned for banning me for banning someone in the Illuminati.
Banned for banning someone for banning you for banning someone in the illuminati.
Banned for banning somone who banned me for banning him for banning somone in the illuminati
Banned for suggesting splash potions in kitpvp.
Banned because school stresses you out.
Banned for the messed up creeper
Banned for disliking derpy creepers
Banned for banning the person who banned me.