Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for being abusive
Banned for being nosy
Banned for being fan boy of Pinocchio
Banned for changing profile pic every 5 sec
Banned for noticing
Banned for continuing outlawed activities.
Banned for being a zeldaninjamonkey
Banned for lack of creative thinking :t:
Banned for influencing smoking for children.
Banned for giving your password to Shonal
Banned for no profile picture
Banned for quitting but being active on forums right now, the logic. ;)
Banned for not thinking we are friends when we are.
Banned for not taking a joke :'(
Banned for being a New Member.
Banned for being awesome :>
Banned for being fantastic. :p
Banned for posting at the same time as me :/
Banned for posting.