Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for correcting me earlier
Banned for spamming…
Banned for not spamming
Banned for posting while being banned.
Banned for having 32 jet packs.
Warning: 2Originao4U Banned for banning someone. :lol:
Banned for democracy
Banned because the ban hammer spoke.
Banned for not having a profile picture with a dog wearing a flower crown
Banned for that creepy emoji in your name
Banned for having a creepy signature
Banned for breathing
Banned for not ending your sentence with a full stop.
banned for using grammar
Banned for thinking he used grammar. ( He didn't say "with *a* full stop.")
Banned for liking the same show as me.
Banned for taking a selfie with Cyp.
Banned for kicking me from Raxs.
Banned for being a smasher
Banned for liking Zelda. No really, you're banned. Appeal here.