Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for not having hair in you'r profile picture head.
Banned: Because he is too Swag :D
Banned becauase you'r hotness is killing me.
Banned because you got sexual.
Banned For Playing MINEVERSE!
Banned for having a **DO NOT CUSS ON FORUMS** up profile picture
Banned for having shovel in your name...
Banned for questioning the all mighty shovel
Banned for sweg
Banned for reking me
Banned for getting rekt
Banned for implying that I got rekt
Banned for being a Mario character.
Banned for hurting my feelings and blowing my mind...
Banned for only having a single feeling
Banned for beating me to my edit post
Banned for subject of no interest
Banned for having a sword..
Banned for not having a sword
Banned for not wearing pink.