Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for being the king of donuts
Banned for being cool.
Banned for not being cool :P
I made her that. :(
Banned for not banning some one in your latest reply on here.
Banned for being born in 2001 instead of 1953
banned for having a 1 in there name
Banned for existing
Banned for calling me dum. ;(
Banned for leaving forum sweg chat *COUGH*
Banned for changing the title of the thread
Banned for being hot.
Banned for hi
Banned for being you.
Banned for not being yourself.
Your post 0/10 - ign 0 - metacritic Good job! - Obama Banned
Banned for not solving E=mc17 - 69 + 96 $54%MagicJohnson584344965656
Banned for not having Fehro.
Banned becuz y nut I iz a mud u no?
Banned for not passing English spelling test