Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for the 222th message
Banned for me likening his post
Banned: Die in hell (Just got banned from a server for nothing, Not famous at all)
Banned for having 1000+ more messages than me! :P
banned for having an exclaimation point
Banned for liking loving papayas.
banned for being smart enough to not say 'like' and say love
Banned for using quotes :P
banned for being a maniac
Banned for pointing that out...
Banned for being the 27179th post on the forums.
Banned for being the 27180 post on the forums :P
BAnned for being the 27815th post
Banned for being a Guy :rolleyes:
Banned for being a hypocrite
ahem. banned for not being a penguin >_>
banned for having 3 numbers in your name
Banned for being 10 numbers away from my fav number <:
Banned for confusing me wether you like the number 89....or you know.....
Banned for not knowing the number 69