Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for spelling 'True' wrong.
Banned For Thinking that Walruses Are The Supreme Race Because cats Are.
Banned for having the number 110 in their name.
Banned for thinking that walruses are like vampires.
Banned for crossing two swords!
banned for having a 32 in ur name.
Banned for having 123 in your name!
Banned for being a walrus.
Banned for speaking.
Banned for being the 2319th message on this thread.
Banned for not being the 2319th person on this thread.
Banned for being an active member.
Banned for being a new member
Banned for being given a "Friendly".
Banned for not being given a "Friendly" :P
Banned for *Derp Overload, Malfunction. Malfunction. Malf-wielfbdllishf*
Banned for have 3 caps in their name.
Banned for only having 2 numbers in you name
Banned for being a prince.