12/6/14 (Hawaii) So, I think I got banned. IGN- zeldaninjamonkey Reason- unknown By who- Unknown Story - I was on OP pvp and I borred I said in the chat "tpa for 1v1", so this guy named Private_109 tps and we start fighting. He then uses an enderpearl and get stuck in a tree, so I kill him while hes stuck. He gets angry and calls his friend DoctorDistructo and they both have his theory that I scamed Private which I did not. He then constantly tells me to tp to him so I can fight him and Doctor otherwise he'll "get me banned". I declined the he claims out of nowhere that I "cheated" (which I was not if he was referring to hacks).” I clearly told him but he kept calling me “puss”. So yeah then he said I but he kept calling me “puss”. So then he said I was banned, and I was. I have a few screenshots to prove the story, I unfortunately didn’t get screenshots of exactly when it happened cause I didn’t think I’d need it because I didn’t actually “scam him” (PS there is a break between the last 2 sceenies the full thing im saying is “1v1, then, to the death”)