I was once unbanned due to a ban list reset, but I do not feel another one should happen. Some people that deserve to be banned need to stay that way and only keeping them banned while unbanning everyone else is difficult.
Well, if you were hacking then I think you should stay banned. (Or ddosing.) but 'fo real, death threats or ban evades dont really matter :c
No Support These people got banned for a reason and if they want to get unbanned then I suggest they make an appeal
No support. Even though some deserve an unban, these players were banned for a reason and its their own fault for this.
We've had ban resets in the past, it's not the end of the world, but I do agree that some players should stay banned.
My friend got banned for chargeback when some other kid bought him a rank, he made a ban appeal 8 months ago and still hasn't been accepted. I doubt any of the people on this thread understand how servers work, if you unban players that's more potential donors meaning more money. Who cares if you lose your in-game items? At least they're making a profit.