I don't really know you, lol. But I do know you were a great mod :} We were friends a while back, but we don't really talk anymore ;-; We used to talk, but not really anymore.. You're funny and nice tho : -) idk u rlly sozz When I first met you, and you got mod, I was happy, but you would type weird w/o punctuation and it annoyed me. Idk why I'm saying this though because I type like you did too... lol You are hilarious sometimes and we used to talk a lot but not really anymore, we are still frands I hope.
I'm desperate Dunno u sorry, but maybe we can meet ig You're really nice, but I don't really know u that well. You're a great mod tho
I don't really know you. except I think that you and @Scorvix are goals. You seem nice Y0u seem a little obnoxious.. Don't know you well, though, I may be wrong :p You are dedicated to MV, and you have a good sense of humor. You seem nice, but we don't really talk :tearsofjoy: