IGN- ICantPvPHD Offenders IGN- BAB199 So BAB199.. He has had 2 bans in the past on op factions.. He started off spamming on op factions with /minecraft:tell an it escalated to dirty disgusting messages.. Sexual messages in a minecraft server? Some of the girls that he was mentioning are only 11-13 years of age.. Guys please do something about this..He was bragging how he would only be warned but..I think he needs more then this? Perm banned just to get rid of him? Already got banned twice already :/ Please do something! @Lola Perez @xSoulHero @canucksfan44 @larrythebird101 @fryzigg @Alexa PROOF:
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.