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  • EUR AyyLmao's Staff Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by AyyLmao, Mar 27, 2017.

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    1. AyyLmao

      AyyLmao Active Member

      Mar 15, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Your in-game name: AyyLmao
      What timezone are you in? Not soure
      What country do you live in? Asia
      What languages do you speak? Asian and Japaneese
      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) I have screenshots
      Why do you think you should become a mod? I want mod because I think I can relally help the server grow
      Maturity ~
      I am always Mature when talking to people, when I skype I do sometimes use some bad words, but i'm pretty sure everyone does that. But when it comes to Moderating, I can control my Maturity and I will give all my attention.

      ~ Friendly ~I am a very friendly guy, I love to meet new people and make new friends, if I wouldn't have the friends that I have now on Mineverse, I probably wouldn't have been here right now, and I hope I will make some new friends in the Mineverse Community. You can always feel free to talk to me.

      ~ Experience and Knowledge ~
      I currently have my own server, that I will probably be shutting down soon. I am currently Admin on another server. I know how it is being a Moderator, you can sometimes get spammed and i'm used to getting spammed on servers that i'm Mod/Staff on. I don't get mad when people are spamming me, I am completely fine with people messaging me. I know how to use XenForo really good since I have been on the Forums soon for 3 Years.

      ~ Commands ~
      These are the basic commands that a Moderator should be knowing:

      /tempban (Player) (Amount of time) (Reason)
      /tempmute (player) (time)
      /kick (player)
      /warn (player) (reason)
      /tp (player)

      ~ Helpful ~
      Each time I see someone having trouble with the server, or needs help, I try my best to help them out, I have had problems my self with the server, and I know it can be really annoying! I know that it feels good when someone is helping you out, so I try my best to help people that need help. If you need any help feel free to Pm me or write a comment on my Profile.

      ~ Fast Typer ~
      I can type very quickly. I actually recorded this typing test 2 days ago. I can type up to 92 Words per minute, so if I need to do something quickly it will not take me long time, here is a video of me doing

      Recently, I have been playing Mineverse for 6+ hours on a daily basis which is showing my dedication to playing the server and reporting players breaking the rules set by the owners. I feel activity doesn't just mean being on for a few days and I understand this, but as this application grows older from it's post date you will see how active and dedicated I am to Mineverse.

      Trust Worthy

      This trait is a bit cliche in a moderator application but I believe that I have already proved that I am trustworthy with myself being a mod for 3 months and a bit. I would never abuse but if I did I would report myself immediately to the head mods to try and sort it all out.


      Whenever someone asks me for help or has a question I always try to be the first one to answer their question or help them out. If I was to be promote to moderator again, I would promise to help everyone I could and help people who desperately need some guidance.


      I believe that my time being a moderator for three months has shown that I am mature and that I deal with situations properly and that I can be serious. Even though I still joke around from time to time and act silly, I'm still serious when I need to be serious and I'm silly when it's right.

      Self Worker

      Whenever asked to do things in school or at my job I dont sit around asking a million questions I listen the first time and then im off doing my tasks, For example when im being asked to do a job from one of the heads mods I wont ask a million questions I will listen the first time and do it,


      After 2 months of being a moderator it was a really sad time for me because I was getting bullied in my personal life, which mind you has been resolved. As I was one of the only staff members on at my time, I would get loads of hate from players telling me to kill myself and that I was a "crap mod" and that I "should get demoted", but I blocked that out and kept doing what I loved to do. It was my passion.


      Whenever I am online doing my reports and playing on the server there are only a few to even no moderators online. This can cause a lot of disruption during these times when staff aren't online because people start to complain about the lack of activity. So, if I was re-promoted I feel like I would be able to fill in that quiet, no moderator gap.


      Right now there are 3 Australian moderators and there aren't many applicants that are living in Australia. Like I mentioned above, I feel as promoting more Australians will help with issues like the time gap we have now. :)


      My time as a staff member here (for three months and a bit), I have experience. This helps as I am able to jump in and start doing my job straight away, which will lead to as little as help possible and thus me being able to start moderating straight away.

      I think I should become a mod because the more mods mineverse has, the more coverage on different servers it has. This morning there were no mods on, but I was online. I think I should become a mod to stop all of the rule breaking that happens all across the server. I normally play Creative because there are barely any mods online, so I come to report the rule breakers. Being a moderator takes a lot of work, and I will devote a lot of my time to being the best moderator I could be. When I first joined Mineverse, rules were breaking left and right. Alas, when I started reporting, those rule breakers started dropping like flies. Keeping mineverse rule-breaker free is my plan for being moderator.
      But that's not all. I'm just kidding, this isn't a commercial.
      Being a moderator is what I wanted to do when I joined Mineverse, even though I've broken the same rule twice myself. I have learned, though, and I now see why that is a rule, because it can hurt people, it can hurt their feelings, and their soul. I want to be moderator so I can help people that have had that problem, when they've been harassed by a rule breaker, help people when they need it, and clean Mineverse of it's rule-breaking pests. Here are my traits!

      ~ Mature ~
      I am very mature when the situation comes. During things like fights or riots, I don't act stupid get involved. When someone is mean to me, there is no need to yell or threaten them, I will just simply react like myself, and I'll report them, or if I make mod, warn them if they break a rule. I am in 8th grade, but I have the maturity of a 12th grader when the time comes.

      ~ Fun ~
      I like to have fun and play around when the time is right. I like to make people laugh and enjoy their time on Mineverse. Fun is one of my favorite traits, as I use it in a lot of situations. In a fight, for example, if there are no rules being broken, I'll say something like "Hey come on guys, we're all friends here! That or goofy goobers!", and they will reply with "NO!". ;)

      ~ Quiet ~
      One of my better-end traits is being quiet. If there is a bad fight going on, I won't get involved, I will just pay attention and stay quiet. All of my close friends know how timid I am, but I can be loud in certain situations. Being quiet is a rather good trait, seeing that when people might be angry I won't yell back, or in Minecraft sense, break out the caps lock! (Now you laugh)

      ~ Enthusiastic ~
      I am very enthusiastic in fun situations. I am eager to participate in builds and races, and I love to go on adventures outside when it's not too cold or hot. My three hobbies are:
      Golf - I love to play golf. It's slow enough for me, and I really enjoy this sport.
      Cooking: Cooking is fun to me, because I get to spend the time making sure food is well-cooked, and then I get to eat it.
      Music: I play the flute in the 8th grade advanced band for my middle school. Something you wouldn't expect a boy to do, right? I know, I know, it may be weird at first, but I admire that I am able to face things like jokes from others about what I choose to do with my life, like playing the flute for example.

      ~ Always happy to learn ~
      I am always happy to learn new things, such as a new language or new topics. Being a moderator gives me a chance to learn from my mistakes, and also gives me a chance to learn how to do my best, and how to be the best I can be.

      ~ Jokester ~
      Yet another better-end trait, being a jokester is something a lot of my friends admire. Jokes really get people to laugh, and when the time comes, I can really be a class clown!

      ~ A good friend ~
      Helping others is something on the top of my list. Being able to make them happy, or cheer them up when they're sad is something that makes me happy.

      ~ Devoting ~
      I will devote a large amount of time to being the best I can be. Being a moderator takes a lot of work, and a lot of time and learning, but I am ready for anything that comes, ready to be the best of the best!

      ~~ How long can you be active on the server everyday? ~~
      I can be active every day of the week, seeing that I am not in trouble. Also, I do not play these times straight. I play during these hours off and on. Here is my schedule:
      Sunday (Schoolnight) - 6AM-8PM
      Sunday (Non-Schoolnight) - 6AM-10PM
      Monday (Schoolnight) 4:30PM-8PM
      Monday (Non-Schoolnight) - 6AM-10PM
      Tuesday (Schoolnight) - 4:30PM-8PM*
      Tuesday (Non-Schoolnight) - 6AM-10PM
      Wednesday (Schoolnight) 4:30PM-8PM
      Wednesday (Non-Schoolnight) - 6AM-10PM
      Thursday (Schoolnight) 4:30PM-8PM*
      Thursday (Non-Schoolnight) - 6AM-10PM
      Friday (Schoolday) 4:30PM-10PM
      Friday (Non-Schoolday) - 6AM-10PM
      Saturday - 6AM-10PM

      *My brother stays after school for a club sometimes on Tuesday and Thursday. Times applicable to change.

      ~~ How long have you been playing Mineverse? ~~

      I have been playing Mineverse for 2 1/2 - 3 years. When I first joined, I did it because a friend showed me, and now I'm addicted to Mineverse, in a good way. I enjoy making people safe, and making Mineverse clean of rule breakers, as stated above in ~~ Why do you think you should become a mod? ~~.
      Mineverse has grown a lot since I first joined, and I was there watching it grow. Seeing the new servers pop up made me even more enthusiastic to play. Mineverse started small, and now it's big, but with that comes a larger amount of rule breakers.
      How long can you be active on the server everyday? My mom sets a limit for me so maybe only 30-45 a day
      How long have you been playing Mineverse? I joined in 2014
      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Yes
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No | I think so
      Do you have 50 Post Count? Yes
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? No
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? Yes
      Do you have Skype and Teamspeak 3 for offline communication? Yes

      f you Mineverse!!
    2. AyyLmao

      AyyLmao Active Member

      Mar 15, 2016
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      Hi everyone, if you're here I would like to thank you for reading my moderator application. My name is WhyteDuck in this server. Some people call me 'Duck' or 'Whyte' I don't mind any. I love playing games and sports. If you'd like to get to know me better, come play with me sometime on the server :). Let's get started with my application!

      Your in-game name:
      My in-game name is WhyteDuck.
      you can find my previous usernames here: https://namemc.com/profile/WhyteDuck/ee561010
      What timezone are you in?
      My timezone is GMT/UTC +8

      What country do you live in?
      I live in Malaysia.

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak English fluently, and I speak Malay, my mother tongue.

      Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No
      I do have 2FA enabled.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?
      Yes, I use Bandicam as a recording software and for screen capturng I use Gyazo and Minecraft's in-built capturing tool to capture images


      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      Well, being a moderator is about helping others in need. As a moderator, my goal is to create a fun environment for all of our players. Being a mod comes with great responsibility and I understand what are the responsibilities and willing to handle it carefully and use it wisely. Other than that, here are my traits on why I am suitable for this role.

      I am a Helpful person.
      I consider myself to be a helpful person. I can assure you, if there is someone who is in need of help I'll be there. I can promise you, I won't stop helping while I'm still playing no matter how long it takes. If a new player were to join a game I would be more than delighted to help them by either showing them simple yet useful commands in the server or showing them around.

      I am a very Fast Learner
      I am the type of person who learns things very quick. I can easily learn new things if I put my mind to it which means I can easily adapt to something new.

      I am a Fast Typer
      I am a very fast typer. This is a good thing as for instance, if there was a hacker, I can quickly type. I currently can type 99 words per minute.
      Toggle Spoiler
      Proof :

      I am Trustworthy
      I'd like to think of myself as a very trustworthy person. This would mean, players can come to me openly and trust me with something they don't want to talk about openly to others. I can be trusted in a way that I won't abuse my powers as a moderator.

      I am Active:
      I'm a very active player. I will log on to the server every day, even if I don't have my PC with me, I always can use Minechat to come on and greet the others once and a while. I only play this Minecraft server unless I'm invited by other friends to join them on other servers.

      I am Mature:
      As an older brother I understand what responsibility mean. I am the type of person who doesn't like starting fights or arguments between players. If a player were to annoy me or flame at me, I could easily type a simple command. '/ignore [Player]'

      I am Responsible:
      I am a responsible player, if I were to get this role, I won't take it very lightly. I'll handle all my duties responsibly. Other than that, if I were to make a mistake, I'd be responsible about it and take the consequences of my actions.

      I have Knowledge of Hackers:
      I have a good understanding of hackers. I can easily detect hackers within a snap. I know most of the hacks commonly used (i.e KillAura, Anti-KB, No-Slow). This would also mean, as a Moderator it'll be almost impossible for me to get a false ban.

      I am very Honest:
      In my opinion, honesty is the most important factor you could have as a Moderator. Without honesty, the players wouldn't trust you and of course dislike you. This is also very important as this can help you build trust among your fellow staff members.

      I am Friendly:
      I am a very friendly person. This means I can easily socialize with other players very easily. Since I am a friendly person, I have never met a person who hates me.

      I am Dedicated:
      I am a very dedicated person. If there were any troubles faced, I would dedicate my time in to finding ways to solve the problems. I would not stop until it has been completed. I can dedicate most of my time on this server, thus doing more reports and being as active as ever!

      I am not Biased:
      I am not a biased person. This would mean I would even ban my friends, no matter how close they are to me. I won't choose sides if there was an argument, instead I'd take the neutral side and understand the situation and make my verdict from there.

      My Timezone:
      I think of my timezone as a plus point. This is because, from what I've observed, my timezone (GMT +8) has a low amount of moderators. Therefore, it would be better to have an increase in numbers as it would help the community get rid of the violators.

      I have Knowledge of Moderating:
      I have knowledge of moderating in-game. I know what commands to use depending on the situation.
      For instance, if a person were to keep spamming, I could easily mute the player until a certain period. As for hackers, a ban.

      These are the commands that I know of:
      • /Ban [Player] [Reason]
      • /Tempban [Player] [Reason] [Duration]
      • /Kick [Player] [Reason]
      • /Fly
      • /God
      • /Socialspy
      • /gmsgspy

      I have Good Memory:
      Having good memory would mean I can easily recall on something fairly quick. Other than that, having good a good memory could also mean knowing the command needed for a situation and of course, doing it quick. I could also remember the offender's username to an extent depending on how confusing the username is, but if I don't remember I could easily copy and paste his name.


      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      • Monday: 2 Hours
      • Tuesday: 1 Hour
      • Wednesday: 2 Hours
      • Thursday: 2 Hours
        Friday: 5 Hours
      • Saturday: 7 Hours
      • Sunday: 3 Hours
      During the holidays
      • Weekdays: 4 hours +
      • Weekends: 4 hours +

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      I have been playing Mineverse for 8 months now.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)

      Yes, I have been banned once in-game due to the use of toggle sprint, but I've learnt my lesson and will not be using it when I'm in Mineverse.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I do now. I moderated a server formerly known as 'DHRPG'. I was promoted after about 2 - 3 months of playing and later after a few weeks, there was another promotions and I was promoted to 'Admin' as a recognition of my work during my moderation time.

      Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No
      Yes, I meet the requirements needed.

      I have two-factor authentication enabled.
      I have 418 posts and still counting ;).
      I've been on the forums for 7 months.
      I have both Skype and TeamSpeak 3.


      « Closing »

      I would like to thank everyone for reading my application. This is my first moderator application this server, so if you have some criticism for me that would be appreciated! Also, I'm not expecting to be promoted but, it's worth a shot. Once again, thank you for using your time to read my application. Good bye! :)

      Support : 80 :D
      No support : 4 :(
      Neutral : 15 :eek:


      • (Decreased font size.)
      • (Working on activity in other timezones.)
      • (Added more detail.)
      • (Added even more detail.)
      • (Edited the layout, making it look neater.)
      • (Made the colours darker.)

      • [​IMG] Support x 28
      • [​IMG] Neutral x 3
      • [​IMG] No Support x 1
      • List
    3. AyyLmao

      AyyLmao Active Member

      Mar 15, 2016
      Likes Received:
      I have decided to apply to become moderator again, and hopefully stay for longer than I was able to the first time. I will not fill this with unnecessary detail and things I've already stated in my past application, as my qualifications listed there still are true to me now. Feel free to click here to take a look at my first moderator application.

      Your in-game name
      My in-game name is Clxrity.

      What timezone are you in?
      I am in the Eastern Standard Timezone (USA & Canada)
      UTC - 05:00

      What country do you live in?
      United States of America.

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak English.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      I have the ability to record using QuickTime Player (a built in recording software for macs). I can also easily screenshot using Gyazo.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I am experienced with moderating here. I am fairly aware of what's important while moderating. I banned hundreds of people while only making a few mistakes. I was dedicated, extremely active, and was always there to help the team in any ways I could. I know I have been gone so things have changed and I am completely willing to be taught these new guidelines.

      I am very knowledgable about the server. Mineverse consists of many different game-modes - and I understand each one of them to the point of being able to answer questions about them.

      Mods are responsible for moderating the teamspeak server. I've spent a lot of time on teamspeak (both being mod and not). I understand how to moderate there and am aware of all our teamspeak server's features.

      Helping the server is important to me. I've always given my honest opinion of what I believe will benefit it. I will try to do anything I can to positively influence the fix of glitches and really anything that needs to be done.

      I always use an unbaised opinion while making moderator decisions.

      I am mature, I know how to behave appropriately for a moderator, I'm responsible, and I am dedicated to this server.

      I am confident that I am a great choice for moderator.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      I can get in-game very often if I needed to - for instances of banning/unbanning someone. Generally, I am in-game for around an hour everyday (lazy days I'll be on longer).
      For the forums, I have the ability to get on here from my phone so that's not an activity concern.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I played on the server a bit a couple years ago. I begun to be active on the forums + in-game around a year ago.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      I have been banned once. I purposely was banned for a month on the forums so that I could take a break.
      For purposes of properly removing my moderator permissions, I believe I had to be lobby banned for that as well.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I was moderator on this server's forums, in-game, teamspeak server, and the dubtrack room. I have also moderated other small servers in the past.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No
      | Do you have 50 Post Count? ✔
      II | Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? ✔
      III | Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? ✔
      IV | Do you have Skype or Teamspeak 3 for offline communication? ✔
      Yes, I do.
    4. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No Support. I don't think you're mature enough.
      Update: Why did you just copy and paste Whyte's application?
    5. AyyLmao

      AyyLmao Active Member

      Mar 15, 2016
      Likes Received:

      I have decided to apply to become moderator again, and hopefully stay for longer than I was able to the first time. I will not fill this with unnecessary detail and things I've already stated in my past application, as my qualifications listed there still are true to me now. Feel free to click here to take a look at my first moderator application.

      Your in-game name
      My in-game name is Clxrity.

      What timezone are you in?
      I am in the Eastern Standard Timezone (USA & Canada)
      UTC - 05:00

      What country do you live in?
      United States of America.

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak English.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      I have the ability to record using QuickTime Player (a built in recording software for macs). I can also easily screenshot using Gyazo.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I am experienced with moderating here. I am fairly aware of what's important while moderating. I banned hundreds of people while only making a few mistakes. I was dedicated, extremely active, and was always there to help the team in any ways I could. I know I have been gone so things have changed and I am completely willing to be taught these new guidelines.

      I am very knowledgable about the server. Mineverse consists of many different game-modes - and I understand each one of them to the point of being able to answer questions about them.

      Mods are responsible for moderating the teamspeak server. I've spent a lot of time on teamspeak (both being mod and not). I understand how to moderate there and am aware of all our teamspeak server's features.

      Helping the server is important to me. I've always given my honest opinion of what I believe will benefit it. I will try to do anything I can to positively influence the fix of glitches and really anything that needs to be done.

      I always use an unbaised opinion while making moderator decisions.

      I am mature, I know how to behave appropriately for a moderator, I'm responsible, and I am dedicated to this server.

      I am confident that I am a great choice for moderator.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      I can get in-game very often if I needed to - for instances of banning/unbanning someone. Generally, I am in-game for around an hour everyday (lazy days I'll be on longer).
      For the forums, I have the ability to get on here from my phone so that's not an activity concern.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I played on the server a bit a couple years ago. I begun to be active on the forums + in-game around a year ago.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      I have been banned once. I purposely was banned for a month on the forums so that I could take a break.
      For purposes of properly removing my moderator permissions, I believe I had to be lobby banned for that as well.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I was moderator on this server's forums, in-game, teamspeak server, and the dubtrack room. I have also moderated other small servers in the past.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No
      | Do you have 50 Post Count? ✔
      II | Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? ✔
      III | Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? ✔
      IV | Do you have Skype or Teamspeak 3 for offline communication? ✔
      Yes, I do.
    6. AyyLmao

      AyyLmao Active Member

      Mar 15, 2016
      Likes Received:
    7. AyyLmao

      AyyLmao Active Member

      Mar 15, 2016
      Likes Received:
      I have decided to apply to become moderator again, and hopefully stay for longer than I was able to the first time. I will not fill this with unnecessary detail and things I've already stated in my past application, as my qualifications listed there still are true to me now. Feel free to click here to take a look at my first moderator application.

      Your in-game name
      My in-game name is Clxrity.

      What timezone are you in?
      I am in the Eastern Standard Timezone (USA & Canada)
      UTC - 05:00

      What country do you live in?
      United States of America.

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak English.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      I have the ability to record using QuickTime Player (a built in recording software for macs). I can also easily screenshot using Gyazo.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I am experienced with moderating here. I am fairly aware of what's important while moderating. I banned hundreds of people while only making a few mistakes. I was dedicated, extremely active, and was always there to help the team in any ways I could. I know I have been gone so things have changed and I am completely willing to be taught these new guidelines.

      I am very knowledgable about the server. Mineverse consists of many different game-modes - and I understand each one of them to the point of being able to answer questions about them.

      Mods are responsible for moderating the teamspeak server. I've spent a lot of time on teamspeak (both being mod and not). I understand how to moderate there and am aware of all our teamspeak server's features.

      Helping the server is important to me. I've always given my honest opinion of what I believe will benefit it. I will try to do anything I can to positively influence the fix of glitches and really anything that needs to be done.

      I always use an unbaised opinion while making moderator decisions.

      I am mature, I know how to behave appropriately for a moderator, I'm responsible, and I am dedicated to this server.

      I am confident that I am a great choice for moderator.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      I can get in-game very often if I needed to - for instances of banning/unbanning someone. Generally, I am in-game for around an hour everyday (lazy days I'll be on longer).
      For the forums, I have the ability to get on here from my phone so that's not an activity concern.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I played on the server a bit a couple years ago. I begun to be active on the forums + in-game around a year ago.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      I have been banned once. I purposely was banned for a month on the forums so that I could take a break.
      For purposes of properly removing my moderator permissions, I believe I had to be lobby banned for that as well.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I was moderator on this server's forums, in-game, teamspeak server, and the dubtrack room. I have also moderated other small servers in the past.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No
      | Do you have 50 Post Count? ✔
      II | Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? ✔
      III | Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? ✔
      IV | Do you have Skype or Teamspeak 3 for offline communication? ✔
      Yes, I do.
    8. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      It's singular, not plural.
    9. AyyLmao

      AyyLmao Active Member

      Mar 15, 2016
      Likes Received:
    10. Maxine

      Maxine Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thread locked for failure to adhere to forum rules and responsibilities.
      If you disagree with this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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