This is kind of a personal problem but I don't see why it can't be added. My suggestion is to auto-equip armour onto a player who has selected their donor kit instead of them having to manually remove old armour and then put on new armour. As an Australian with cheap internet, I lag a lot which makes it super difficult to take my armour off due to it just glitching back onto me. An auto-equip feature would save time for myself and many others. I also know that zombies can receive armour from vote parties, which is currently useless, so perhaps an auto-equip feature for vote party items would work as well. However, this could mean that players could wear their donor armour as zombies, so we may need to find a way around that. Thanks x
Support, what also annoys me is when I forget to change my layout and my sword is in the 2nd slot and I hotkey to 1 then I’m hitting with a bow smh
omg yes I hate that too, I was thinking about suggesting that but I feel it's a little too pedantic? I do love my specific layout though ;t
Support but instead of equipping the armor, it should equip the best armor possible as sometimes for lower donor ranks, the current armor (such as diamond helmet/boots from MySGT) can be better. Previous armor should just be deleted. Better yet, develop a custom kit system for infection rather than depending on Essentials.
What version are you playing in? I've got over 650 ping most of the time and never really have that problem until I get into a version other then 1.8 Support though, don't see why not
1.8. It’s the same in any version I play in That could work, not sure how but certainly a good add-on to this suggestion
Neutral, I have had a mod before (1.12.2) that does this as a setting but it says "certain pvp servers consider this cheating" - or something like that.