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  • (Australia) Mod Application (Jadey64)

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by jadey64, Mar 12, 2014.

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    1. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Little bit about me. Hi my name is Jaden and I am a Male, this is just a little paragraph about me before I start my mod app! Anyway I live in a little suburb thing in Sydney Australia. I'm Eleven years old turning Twelve in Five days! My favourite server on Mineverse would be Infection, Prison, Kit Pvp, Skyblock and Creative. Anyway that's just a bit about me I hope you enjoy my mod app and please if you like it or think I'm up for the job please leave some feedback! That's my intro for now, hope you like my Mod App! <3

      How old are you?
      I'm Eleven but turning Twelve in Five days! And my real name is Jaden and I am a Male!
      Your In-Game Name:
      My In-Game Name is jadey64 (no caps). Me and my Dad came up with my username, and I've loved the name ever since!
      What Time Zone are you in?
      Sydney Australia!
      What Country do you live in?
      Well I live in Australia (Sydney) But my Grandparents are New Zealand so I guess I'm New Zealand to.
      What Languages do you speak?
      My common language is English, I've learnt a bit on Chinese cause i went on a holiday to Singapore and when we got there, I was really hungry and I saw a Macdonalds, so I went to order a burger. So I had to know how to speak Chinese. But I do speak a little tiny bit of German and Russian. I've learnt a bit of French cause I saw this book and called Mr Chicken Goes To Paris, so I started reading it and I learnt some from there.
      Why do you think you should become a Mod.
      Well I have to say, I want to be Mod because I play Infection (a lot) and I see 6 gliders a day... And it gets very annoying, And I love making maps of my own on Creative and Singleplayer. I have made COD maps before on my plot in Creative but i haven't finished yet. I'd love to be a Mod because I want to ban the hackers and gliders, and I love to make maps for this server! I know how to solve a ban or incorrect ban (like I said before in the other paragraph) I wanna help out the server, I have crazy awesome ideas for mini games, special events and much much more! I'm also very helpful (like I'm about to say in the next paragraph) I'm definitely up for the job of becoming a Moderator for Mineverse! Here's more reasons for why I should become a Moderator!

      I'm very helpful!
      I used to play other servers, and I used to make maps, HG spawns and stuff and Spawns. And I made a COD map in this server, (it was the map Raid but I wasn't finished) I also made the tallest building in the world as the spawn on this server!
      I'm nice!
      I've always helped people especially in my normal day life! I've helped people when they first join the server, and when they need help. I even help animals when there hurt or dieing even with humans.
      I'm a awesome builder!
      I've made awesome creations before like the tallest building in the world! (Only on Minecraft) and I've made heaps of maps (COD) on Singleplayer and on Multiplayer! The maps I've made so far are.. RAID (I've only finished half of it) Hijacked and Slums. I've made spawns for servers to, HG, Survival Game maps heaps of times.
      I always follow the rules!
      I've never ever broken a rule on any server before, same with my normal life at my school I've never broken a rule at my school or on Minecraft. I've never hacked on a server before and I've never cursed before EVER!!!!
      I'm Reliable!
      Im very good with secrets, cause I made a deal with my little brother if I ever broke a pinkie promise I would have to..... Do something bad so I never let down a pinkie promise down. You can always trust me! Except my little brother, like once I wanted to buy this thing at the shops and my dad said "no wait till it's your birthday" but I said to him "if I get a gift card off someone I'll use the money I get off it and give to you if you get me it now. But with my little brother he'll trick you lol.
      How long can you be active on the server?
      Well I used to be 5-6 hours on a day, but now maybe... 3-4 now since I have to do quite a lot of homework and I'm normally very busy! I'm normally doing homework so yeah, but Im allowed on weekends for as long as I want. So yeah I'm still allowed on weekdays but not for long. Some times I'm allowed to be on for a while still xD.
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I've been playing Mineverse for about...... 4 months. Cause I started playing in January so yeah...I'm guessing xD. But I remember when when I first joined Infection, no one said hello to me or said congrats when I leveled up to Pvt.. But I remember when I joined Prison, it said when I first joined " Welcome to Mineverse Prison" I think. I don't remember though, it was a long time ago.
      Do you have any past experience as a Mod?
      Yes I have, I used to play this server and it was my friends server, I had to make nearly everything, cause I was the only good builder on the server ( we had a vote for who was the best)and so I had to make everything. So I made the spawn, and I got promoted to Mod. Then I made a mob arena, parkour, survival, HG, Pvp Zones and stuff. And I got promoted to Admin For being so nice and helpful on the server. But I tryed my best to make it good and fun for the people that played that server. But one day, some one griefed everything, everything I made! I spent 4 months making that stuff and some one griefed it, and unfortunately when I spawned off at the spawn, I lagged out because of the TNT that blew up every where. And I found out who did it now! It was this boy at my school called Edward! Must get my revenge lol! (I'm serious) anyway so yeah I finally got back onto that server and I found out that I was still Admin so I made some maps and stuff, a city, some COD maps. And stuff like that. I'm pretty good with reporting people, I know how to solve a ban or incorrect ban. Also I have been mod on another server that played for maybe 2 months, I got promoted for solving problems, arguments, I used to help people on that server when they needed help, but unfortunately one day I banned some one for hacking into my house and blowing it up, so I banned him, then a few others decided to grief and blow stuff up so I banned them and then it all went quiet.. For at least a while then it filled up again with no hackers, i had made the server clean of hackers, bully's and griefers, but after a while I got bored and left. Then I found Mineverse and been playing it ever since! (5 months, I'll never leave this awesome server).
      Well that concludes my application I hope you enjoyed! Please leave a comment or some Support to help me achieve my goal of becoming a Mod for Mineverse! Thank you! And to those that supported me are the best! It really helps a lot and it makes me really happy! But if you don't support me please tell me why you don't, or if you haven't seen me in game yet, best place to look for would be Infection, Kit Pvp or Prison! That's it for now thank you! And to those that supported me! Mod Pokemaniac01, Mod Mineterria, Jarroyonaples, Sooperaya, Grace_Chua, Ichidna, Almarobb123, Smasher124, AlphaMineron, Romar, Glaadiator, 1N1NJAI, Theman8775, Flare_Snuggles, Minecraftflier53, BrianMK, Firo3000, Krsit, CosmicGalaxy32, Shmanderson, Andrei, BrendanPVP, SomeGuy, Mili20, xXxSnowWolfxXx, BlueBerryWalffe7, Fryzigg, Grayson, Skydiver27, SuperHeroSean, aden64, Glitcher726 Keefe Vuong, ZaTank, missminecraft04, word7032, if you support me you get your awesome username on my list.

      Last edited: Apr 14, 2014
    2. pokemaniac01

      pokemaniac01 Guest

      A little more detail wouldn't hurt it though. :)
    3. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Thanks PokeManiac01!!!! :D
    4. pokemaniac01

      pokemaniac01 Guest

      You're welcome! ;)
    5. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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    6. Mineterria

      Mineterria Boss Member

      Dec 23, 2013
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      Nice application, you are kind to players and I agree that there are a lack of mods on Mineverse but Cypriot will be promoting in a few days or weeks. Support.
    7. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Lol i made it all colourful :)
      Thank you mineterria :)
    8. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Yeah I Should've Putted More Detail To It :(
    9. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      A little more detail wouldn't hurt :) great application, good luck to you sir
    10. ZaMpAgE

      ZaMpAgE Well-Known Member

      Nov 21, 2013
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      You could edit it ;)

      Btw support! :)
    11. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Ok thanks guys :)
    12. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      I Edited It ;)
    13. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Thanks Jarroy I'll Add more detail to it :D
    14. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      I'll Add more detail ;)
    15. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Thanks Mineterria :)
    16. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Ok I've added some more, hope you like it :p
    17. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Great Detail ;) that is a lot of languages :o

      good luck :)
    18. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Lol thanks jarroy :)
    19. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Bon jour (means hello in French lol) :p
    20. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      i know :P i also know french spanish and portuguese :P
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