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  • [Aus] Mod Application [kegmister]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by kegmister, Aug 29, 2014.

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    1. kegmister

      kegmister Experienced Member

      Aug 26, 2014
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      Hi My Name Is Archie From Sydney, Australia, I Am A Boy, Just To Let You Know, I Love Minecraft, My Favourite Server By Far Is Mineverse, But That Was Just A Little Bit About Me, But The Main Thing His Is My Mod Application.
      How old are you?
      I Am 13 Years Of Age.

      Your in-game name:
      My In-Game Name Is kegmister.
      What timezone are you in?UTC+10:00
      What country do you live in?
      What languages do you speak?
      I Speak English, But If No One Is On Who Speaks Some Other Persons Language Who Cant Speak English, I Am Able To Quickly Translate And Help Them Out.
      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      1. Hacking! Lets be honest, There are a lot of hackers out there, that no one likes, and everyone is trying to get rid of them, with me as a mod i can get all hackers gone from this server so there will be less and less complaints about hacks.

      2. Spam, Cursing, Advertising! You would of probably seen this around. someone spamming? Cursing? Or Advertising? Well i know i have, a lot of times, and no one likes these sort of people. They just constantly Spam random words either from raging or trying to annoy people on purpose. Cursing, same thing angry at people or just raging because they died, no one likes people who curse, and Advertising, this is one of the worst, if you don't know what advertising is its basically someone spamming or saying another server ip to get people to come on there server. So if you see people do any of this you should straight away report them. But if I'm at your side, i can deal with them quick and get them to stop/ban.

      3. Quick Learner! I am a very quick learner and i listen to what ever people have to say, i also help them in need. But if i do forget something, i can simply 1. Ask a Mod/Admin. 2. Search it up on the internet really quickly.

      4. Helping! I can help loads of people, for example if they are stuck on something i can help them out. I still even help people when not a Mod/Rank. I Am Always There For Everyone In Need.

      5. Task, I will always complete every task i have to before anything else. As a Mod completing task if very important and always should complete a task that you were assigned. I will always complete a task first thing.

      6. Other Extra Things. If people on the server got into fights i am always there able to sort it out. I would never do anything bad or abuse my rights as a Mod. Only use my rights if anything bad happens. I am very trustworthy, i never spread a secret that someone has told me and never will. I will always be kind, never cursing, never advertising, never spamming and never i mean never doing anything bad/wrong.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      I Can Be Active Minimum On Week Days 4 hours, Maximum-7 hours, Maybe More
      On Weekends, Minimun-6 hours, Maximum- 9 hours.
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I Have Been Playing For Around A Year Probably More.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes As A 3rd Owner But It Was Not A Big Server, So Not Really, But I Do Wish To.

      So there is my Mod Application, Hope You All Enjoyed, and the decision is all up to you. Thanks!!
      Last edited: Aug 29, 2014
    2. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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