I support dis <3 didn't need to read the app cuz Ik you'll do a great job again as you've done in the past <3
Support support support support support support support support support support support support support support. Y U NOE GIT MUD YEET!?
Thanks everyone for the support, it means a lot to me. Logging on the Mineverse forums and seeing all of you support me for moderator again want's to make me cry. Thank you. <3
Support. Never see you in-game but everyone saying youre sweg might actually make competition for me :p Once again support and btw I think that a mod should be on all gamemodes... so I think that if I see you on all gamemodes I will be confident you will make a great staff member
Thanks! But I play on my alternate account for now because my perms are messed up on my main account after resigning. :p