Introduction Hello ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to my moderator application! I hope you take your time to read this and if you have any suggestions or ideas I could use, comment below! Let's begin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Basic Questions Your in-game name: My in-game name is kitkat6605910. What timezone are you in: Australian Eastern Standard Time Have you had any past experience as a Mod: Yes I have. On a server called OverGrownMC. The servers that I have moderated on weren't very big. How old are you: I am 14 years of age. What languages can you speak: My main language is English. but I can speak Italian and I am learning French on my own. Why do you think should become a Mod: Below I will be listing various reasons on why I believe I should become a Moderator. 1. Rules. Every server, even around the World, there is rules. Rules are not there to make things not fun, they are there to make sure you are safe. Mineverse has very simple rules to follow. I always follow the rules. I don't make fun of people, or cuss at them; for it makes situations much more complicated to deal with. I always follow rules in-game and in IRL. It makes you look like a better person and you get in less trouble. Rules are always there for a reason, so make sure you always follow them. Following the rules is one of the big things of being a Moderator. I want to help Mineverse become a safer environment for younger children. On gamemodes, I tend to see alot of players using disrespect, racism etc in the chat. I know, and WE know, that Mineverse can become safer. (Not that it already is! ;)) 2. Hackers It sucks to say this, but sadly all around the world there is hackers. I don't like saying this but Mineverse is infested with hackers and I want to change that. If I saw a hacker on a gamemode, I would simply /ban them but not without seeing it first. Hackers ruin the fun for everyone and it can give kids bad habits. What's the point of hackers ruining games for younger children?I know Moderators can't be on 24/7, but when I go on Infection, Kitpvp and OP, I always see people using kill aura, spider, glides & more. 3. Maturity Maturity is probably the biggest thing about becoming a Mod. Yes, I will admit, at times I can be quite stupid and laugh at things that aren't meant to be funny but I have a really mature side. Most people have seen and if you aren't mature, it can effect how you look like as a person, and it can come back to haunt you later. Yes, I do tell jokes with my friends therefore they are never meant to upset anyone. I don't like disrespect at all or making others feel upset in that matter. I have mature and funny side. If people like to joke around, I will simply joke around with them, and have a laugh. But if I need to be strict, then I will be. 4. Kindness. I am a very kind and open person. I love to welcome new people to the server and help others around. If something doesn't go my way, I don't scream in chat and carry on about it. I'm sure that players, even the owner wouldn't want a Mod that goes around and acts nasty to everyone. I have a very bubbly personality and a warm hearted nature. If I, for some reason wasn't in a happy mood, I wouldn't take it out on players like some people do. Let's just say if you aren't kind, you won't have any friends. In chat, alot of players say to me 'omg ur so funny!' 'You are so kind :D'. It makes me happy, and it makes it easier to communicate with others. 5. Commands & Powers Moderators have simple commands such as ./kick ./mute ./ban and more Those commands seem simple, but you have to be careful how you use them. I would never use those commands if they were some sort of toy, nor would I abuse them. Abusing your powers makes you look really immature. Abusing your powers can make you lose your position as a Moderator and I mean, who'd want that? I wouldn't ./ban ./kick ./mute a player if they haven't done anything wrong. I don't want to be a Moderator to look cool or for the power, I want it so I can help Mineverse become a better place and so I can give new ideas and help new people. 6. Quick learner If I was ever unsure about a command, or anything really, I would ask another Mod or even an Admin. I can learn things very quickly, it's quite simple. Learning new things can be tough at first, but once you get to know what you're doing it's really easy. I have the ability to learn things very quickly, and most of the time I really don't need help. 7. Trustworthy In all matter, I am a very trustful person. I always keep peoples secrets. If someone tells you their secret, it means that they trust you and they are relying on you not to tell anyone. I keep peoples promises no matter what. I want to show and prove to everyone that I am a trustful person. I wouldn't tell someones secret because I honestly hate embarrassing and humiliating people. Even if I ended up getting in a fight with someone and i knew all their secrets, I would never dare to tell anyone else because therefore it's their privacy. 8. Situations Not every player gets along with everyone, and I understand that. If a group of players got into a fight, I would handle the situation in a mature manner, and I would give them a warning. Swearing and being rude/offensive honestly doesn't do anything, it just makes things twice as worse. Some days I see people cussing in the chat and being racist so I tell them to stop and think before they send something in the chat. 9. Tasks Mods get tasks. I would always complete the task(s) before doing something else. Completing tasks is really important because it's another main part of being a Moderator. I would always, and I mean always complete what I have been given before moving onto something else. Tasks are very important and you always have to complete them. 10. Supportive I am super supportive to other people. If someone is stressed or nervous about something, I would give them advice and tell them not to worry. I would never let that person down. I'm really cheerful on the server and I have an open mind. I like supporting others and making them feel safe and better. 11. Being helpful I am as most people know, a very helpful person on the server. I help people with ideas, building etc. If someone needs help with something, or is unsure about something, I am always here for you. I also know how to help with other things such as cords, plugins, etc. 13. Activeness I can keep fairly active on both the forums and in-game. If I go on a holiday I can still go on the forums and on Minechat. I love spending time on both the forums and around other players ;D Good things that sum up being a Moderator: -Honesty -Truthful -Helping others -Being mature -Finishing tasks -Following rules How long can you keep active for: Monday - 1 hr Tuesday - 1 or 2 hours Wednesday - 30 minutes Thursday - 3 hours Friday - 6 or 7 hours Saturday - 5 or 6 hours Sunday - 3 or 4 hours How long have you been playing on the server for: I think possibly for about 7 months.
Sorry, No Support/Support. you could do a Better job.. should really not do a lot of rainbow colours. And Add More Detail and use less [BIG CAPS LOCK]
Support! Kitkat is a great friend and person who can brighten anyone's day considerably. She's very social and helpful to people. Good luck <3
Support.Ur a nice gal but sometimes u just blame other people when they didn't do anything lol :D. Support :D