I'm counting the actual No supports and Supports on the thread, most of the "No's" were misclicks by players as said above.
Oh okay, also if you want input on how you can improve I think it would make a huge difference if you respected more people.
From everything I have seen I guess I could make a few suggestions. You seem really nice and active but may being a little nicer wouldn't hurt From the post @lionbdcraft made you could never get on those alts and don't threaten.
50% support. I'd like to see you help players around the forums a bit more, and sometimes you can be disrespectful. Goodluck.
Thank you both for the support, it really means a lot. Christi, do you have any idea on how I can improve?
Pretty good application. Keep being nice and helpful. Add some color and make it beautiful please. Also good luck.
Thanks for the kind words, I'd rather not add color as I believe it looks more professional in black and grey.
No support. You can't just throw your Immaturity out the door, that kind of stuff won't be forgotten, and you have only been nice since you made this mod app. We can't trust you as a mod. Bai.