Perhaps we have different timezones, I'm hoping to change at every second i'm currently living. I truly hope you're here to see the change.
Thank you for the support, do you have anything in mind that I can improve on? I don't mind if you have an opinion but please don't dislike everything on my application.
OH u trying to be nice on this so ppl will think u are nice but a lot of ppl know u are a rude a-- bi---
Swearing is used to prove a point, as you can see that was a while ago. You've proved your point, is there any need to go further?
No support - You've been banned seven times / have made seven ban appeals - Alternate Forum and In game accounts - Rude and Abusive - Immature Why would you even apply after all the crap you've done to the server and its community.
I usually don't state my opinion on my non supporters/ supporters but we've been through a rough past. I've been banned once for a legit reason which was a DDoS threat, it also happened to be a year ago. I don't have any other forum accounts, I have a lot of alternate accounts but there's no problem with that. I admit, I was very rude in the past and I hope you can really stay here to see the new me. If that's what you think, I won't fight it. It's your choice if you think i'm immature. Thank you for your input, could you include some reasons on how I can improve? Thank you for your input. Thanks for the support! Do you have any ideas on how I can improve?