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  • [Aus] Ccoll178 Moderator App [New]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by ccoll178, Nov 6, 2013.

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    1. ccoll178

      ccoll178 Active Member

      Nov 4, 2013
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      How old are you?
      I am 11
      Your in-game name:
      Have You Ever Been Banned
      What time zone are you in?
      GMT + 10:00
      What country do you live in?
      In Australia
      What is your gender?
      I am a male
      What languages do you speak?
      I always speak English At Home
      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      1.I see a lot of hackers and spammers and I really want to kick or ban them and because there's hackers
      the server wont be that great so i want to clear them out so this server is clean from hackers
      2.All the servers are full of fun and i really like helping out
      3. I will report or even ban people with hacked stuff
      4. I always follow the rules
      5. I'll Never Give Up For anything
      6.The server needs more mods because players break alot of rules and sometimes mods come on not always and i am on always
      7. I am a very kind Player
      8. I never abuse mod commands
      9. I am very honest
      10. I am very helpful
      11.I Would Help If Anyone's Complaining
      12.I will do my BEST to make sure the server will be corrupt-less and hacker free. I thrive to make sure that the gameplay will stay fun and fair, with no one saying inappropriate words that might offend certain players. I will make sure that everyone is obeying the rules, and that the chat is clean of curses or anything like that. Of course I'll help any player that needs it and answer all their questions in a very friendly and nice attitude.
      13.I'm a very patient and calm person
      14.• Many people don't like those thorns hacked items in kit pvp, I'll try my best to get rid of them
      15. I love this server
      16. I wont swear
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Weekdays 4-6 Weekends 7-9
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      Like 1 year and its been a great experience
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes but those servers had crashed (broken down)
      [​IMG]Thx's For Reading
    2. ApplesFTW

      ApplesFTW Active Member

      Nov 6, 2013
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      I think you should add more information/details and maybe don't do a list of things of why you want to be a mod, just put it in a paragraph.
    3. Laura_or_is_it

      Laura_or_is_it Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Good luck
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