No Support, sorry. Never seen you online, but that could be timezones. You are immature at times when people don't agree with you. You have done several things for the community with maps, but I don't see you as a moderator. Sorry, that's just my opinion.
Thank you lachie. Means alot to me. Thank you for your post, any way I could possibly change your support even though you 'doubt'ed' that you wouldn't ever? Thank you. I am thinking of changing the infection server to another server, to skywars, I've been playing that abit. This was just for a back-up server. That will remain a mystery. :o I somewhat don't like this post for some reason. I am probably the most active player applying mod for prison and creative at the moment. I cannot be on all the time, which is what you might be relating to, or that it's a time-zone problem, remember I am Australian so I will be on at different times because I am not American like 3/4 of the server is. Thanks for your input, in any possible way, is there a way I could change your judgement? Thank you PoolSide, means alot. Thanks for the support. I like the red writing, sorry, but that'll stay. :( Thanks for wanting those comments removed, but as much as I do want them removed, they should stay if they have not already been removed. Okay. Thank you. Any way I could change your judgement? Reasons on why you don't support me would benefit me into knowing what I can/should improve on. Hello Burr. I posted why I may not be active above. Will quote: "I am probably the most active player applying mod for prison and creative at the moment. I cannot be on all the time, which is what you might be relating to, or that it's a time-zone problem, remember I am Australian so I will be on at different times because I am not American like 3/4 of the server is." Just taking a rough guess that you are American and that you are not on whilst I am on. Also, on the servers I have applied on, Prison specifically, I haven't seen you on during the duration that I am on, time-zones is why you believe I am inactive. I do not believe that I am immature "when people don't agree with you" but if you think so, that's fine by me, but anyways, thanks for your judgement on my applicant, surely there could be a possible way that I can change your mind? Mystery. :o Hello Firo, may I have your opinion on why you didn't support me and that you only replied to my thread? I get quite curious when people who are an old friend type 'no support' without a reason. A reasoning to why you didn't support me would be quite nice and if you do reply, a reply with a reason on how I can earn your support would be nice. Thank you. Thank you everyone in replying to my moderator application.
I don't understand what you mean. 'What's this, the fifth one?' is this my fifth application? No this is my second, other than my one that was closed previously.
Hello everyone, as the new server 'GTA' has come out, I will be changing my third server choice to that, thank you.
SUPPOOOOOOOOOOOOORT! I think that you'd be a GREAT moderator!!! You're always friendly and caring! Once when I was sad (so many people were being poop to me in my moderator app D: ) You made me shine with words, and it made me feel really happy, and I knew that someone cared about me.