So on there's /auction, since Hellblock is modeled more after .org than .net I thought it would be a good idea to re-add the auction command so that players won't always have to try and find shops(Since there are barely any active players anymore that have enough $ or items for a shop) This would be a good thing to add because there aren't enough players to just live off trades, but at the same time there isn't so little people that it should go ignored, Hellblock is still a server and although most of the population has neglected it I think that there should be some changes for the better. There are quite a few issues with the server itself, but I think this should be added to the economy of it so that it'll be easier for new players to buy and sell items. I would also like to suggest the /lottery command be implemented to Hellblock so that there would always be new ways of getting money for players, the tickets of course wouldn't cost as much as .org(Seeing as the Hellblock economy is very poor) but it would still be enough so that you could get a prize from entering. Hope these ideas get added, leave your support/criticism below.