Hey all mods, or at least some who know of the unban glitch, I am very interested in how the glitch solving is going. Has any staff made some progress on fixing it? Is it known how to fix at the moment? Any ideas on what is causing it? Are other people asking and/or being affected by the glitch as well? I am very curious about this, sorry If I am being pushy, I understand you all have lives and you spend a lot of it tending to our needs here on forums, but I would just like an update every once in a while. I understand I'm not special, and I won't get any confidential information or special treatment, all I'm asking for is a little idea of how its going, maybe the estimated time until it is removed as well? Sorry for bugging you all multiple times about this, please look into this. -@Sheep
They have tried several times to fix the issue using different methods. The glitch will not be fixed until we upgrade to 1.8 or revert back to 1.7
So, to my understanding, the only way to fix the problem is to go down a version or go up a version? Is it difficult to do so? Hearing from some other people, I would think quite a few people are also being affected by this, and wouldn't it be the servers best interest to move up anyways? Sorry for the overflow of questions, again. Please look into this
1.8 isn't fully ready yet, there are many plugins we use that need to be updated by the developers of the plugins until we can fully implement the version change. We cannot reduce the version because we would lose a large player base that plays in their 1.8 client. So currently we are in limbo with this glitch as we are running a make shift version to accommodate the max amount of players. A small price to play for the servers benefit. Until we move to 1.8 we will deal with this glitch, hence why I made this thread: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/help-unbanned-on-forums-but-still-banned-in-game.26476/#post-256332 Is this glitch annoying? Absolutely. Crew and Cyp have been working on trying to fix this but to no avail yet. They are still trying. Until then, we deal with it and make the best of the situation.
Maybe I can bring a friend who develops and fix plugins, I have to ask him if he would be happy to help.