This is an obvious support from me Alma, who wouldn't give the position to a nice girl a like you. Best of luck. <3
No support. Too soon to be re-applying, if this application remains open for another month and a half then you'll have my support, but I've seen people re-applying after only recently resigning/getting demoted and then they take their re-application down not to long after due to whatever reasons which they said they had under control but obviously didn't.
I can't support you at the moment. You resigned less than a month ago, and your reasons were pretty valid. There's just one thing I don't get. You say you resigned because you knew you couldn't take a month LOA. Which sure, seems fair. But I went into your postings from May 14th and on. Even after the day you resigned, you were still very active and getting at least two reports in every day. I don't get it. Was it because you couldn't be active in-game? As a staff member, you are required to do three every two days. And you were getting in two every day. As well as supporting, neutral, and no-supporting various threads. I honestly am not sure why you resigned if you were still doing things that you could do as a Moderator. But in the end, it was your choice and I respect that. Also, this sections seems rather small. Maybe give a few more reasons as to why you should moderate? Just a recommendation, no need to. The applications seems to not have a lot of effort put into it as well compared to your old one. Good luck.