It's pretty early to be re-applying, so I hope you've got your grades under control Absolutely full support from me, you have no idea how much your work was really appreciated
Seems really early to reapply. I've not decided where I stand yet, I just want to wait a bit to make sure you are serious about it and won't resign again. Good luck!
Don't listen to people if they say no color, the color doesn't matter the words do. You like gray scale then keep it that way, I prefer the same. Enough of this, lets get to the point. You were an amazing mod since day one of your promotion and you ended off your resignation strong. I'm sure everyone understood why you resigned and I dont think anyone should have a problem with you reapplying. You have my full support. ∞/100 Good luck babe. Love, Rodeenie the Weenie. Pm me I made a new skype.