Most of you already know what Assassination already is... I will explain it though. I would provide a video for you guys, but all the ones I could have provided I would consider advertisement. Assassination is just a gamemode that mimics the Assassin's Creed Series. You act as an assassin that's goal is to assassinate other assassins throughout the provided map. You get money for killing people that can be used for armor upgrades, weapon upgrades, and food at the local shops. The more kills you get, the more money you obtain. Everyone starts off with the same type of armor and weapons that the creators choose. It's a gamemode full of fun and assassins. :p I would like this gamemode, as I have seen it on a couple of other servers and really enjoyed it. It's not like adding another gamemode can hurt us. It will only end up being beneficial. I hope this gamemode is liked and considered. Thank you guys. <3
This would be a great idea, and I know a lot of people that like Assassins Creed, they would enjoy this. Support.
support now i just need like 20mc logins so i can bring my irl friends to play assassian creed with me on mc =/
Oh yeah....I understand so so much now. SUPPORT i dont need to killed over and over again by unfair diamond guys