No support. Be more active on the forums and get known to our community. Also, you can use the 'Reply' button in the bottom right corner of someone's post to respond. Good luck!
You're probably him tbh. You support him? Rate my report on him old? I'm the one who caught him using fake hacker. No support. Fr! He rated my thing old even though I did it? I got them unbanned yesterday. This kid is sad. In the application he says he sees a lot of hackers, maybe that's because he sets a lot of people to have fake hacker.
No Support You need to add more about why you want to be Mod Also, you need to add what perks you have, aka worthy, creative, positive and so on. Best Of luck!
No support. Honestly you seem very rude, and I am surprised to know that you are 18. You are immature, and throw a fit when you don't get what you want or things don't go your way. You aren't active enough on other game modes, you don't seem mature enough or ready to be a mod, and as stated above your application is not detailed enough.
idc if im not active enough on other gamemodes.. just like all these mods. ive never seen a single one of the new mods on facs but can a mod lock this ?
Sorry, no support. Be more active, I understand you are mature (age-wise), but please add more, especially in the 'Why I want to become Mod' section. But, nice app!