Hello. Today I am creating this thread for one purpose, to get a message to Cyp and the infection community. The map that I created, 'Argentan' is broken, and I believe that I may of found something about infection that is broken and is somewhat, to an extent breaking the maps. Firstly, I'll start off with what is wrong with my map at the moment. When creating my map, I didn't consider a few things, and I have now realised them. Firstly... There is one issue which I believe is griefing maps. That being that 'dead bushes' are somehow spawning and it is making the maps extremely ugly. I have seen this on other maps, not just mine, and it honestly is making the maps look ugly. Proof? http://prntscr.com/7lvzhr (I didn't add them :c) Secondly... On my map, there is a few glitches in the builds which I have patched on my map on creative. One being that I didn't consider block glitching, and I have fixed that. It was made possible to get on the bedrock which I believe is too OP and I didn't want it to be made possible. Proof: http://prntscr.com/7lvzll I have also fixed the level of OP'ness that the tree has. How? :> http://prntscr.com/7lw2ef Huehue. I have made it so that you can't block glitch and it gives Zombies a better chance to kill people on there. It is still considered an OP Hiding spot, but it gives Zombies a better fighting chance. c: Another thing I have done is raise the walls and make it so that humans cannot get ontop of the helicopter, but rather in it. http://prntscr.com/7lw2w5 So as you can see, I have fixed my map. I request that it can be re-added please. Thanks, GizzBots.
Cyp is currently away dealing with Irl stuff, but as soon as he gets back I'll message him and tell him to look at this.
We need an infection mod who has the ability to add maps cyp approves of, fix the maps when needs, restore levels/prestiges, and all the other stuff we need cyp or crew to do with infection.
Yeah, the idea of the helicopter wasn't to get on top of it anyway, it was just an OP camping spot. I've also raised the walls.
I noticed on other maps, for example "Biomes" that the dead bushes have appeared there also. I believe that it's from air strikes, but I'm not sure.
My internet is lame. I can watch your imgs. Those dead bushes. Did they grow on sand only? If yes, I am pretty sure, the biome you built it at, was desert...
The dead bushes are appearing everywhere. On both my map and Biome, no, it isn't on sand and they weren't implemented on the original maps. Something is happening to do this to then. @TannerLittle would you happen to know whether this may be something to do with the plugin?
I believe that like mushrooms, dead bushes will rapidly spread around the map. On my Azteca infection map in Creative I found that when I placed a few mushrooms around the trees and came back five minutes later, the entire area was infested with them. I'm sure there is a way via WorldGuard to disable mushrooms and dead bushes multiplying like that. @TannerLittle @GizzBots