This disease, Ebola, has really started to have an impact on the world. My question to you is, Are You Scared? Recently they announced, another nurse has contracted Ebola in the USA. But that's not the worst part. She was on a flight the day before. The government has already found all 132 passengers and are interviewing them. There is a probability they will quarantine them along with anyone they have had contact with. The United States is really trying to not let this disease out. I guess some good news is that, the first nurse who caught the virus is actually in good condition. She's actually doing well. The CDC did say there was a "breach in protocol" and that's why a second nurse caught it. They are going to improve the suits they where, to be more cautious, and I think they should wash down the suit after being used, to make sure it's clear of the virus. That's what they have done in Liberia, and it's working. In Liberia, there are about 9,000 cases now. Ebola has been present before, when it first appeared in 1976. What do you think the United States should do? Are you scared? And as a side note, not only are we trying to fight this virus, but we're also trying to fight ISIS. If you haven't read about them, they're a terrorist group that has threatened USA and UK by beheading Americans and a French tourist. So yeah .____.
I'm not scared. Candana has recently created a vaccine, and they are testing it. A news reporter recently got it. He got a blood transfusion from a dead person who had it and he lived. Jarroy this thread is just going to scare more people... We have nothing to worry about.
Lol ebola is a natural course of things... people freak out whenever the media makes a big deal of things. The ebola virus is from human stupidity something to do with monkeys i'm to lazy to research this dumb topic as it pertains to nothing, but africa. Ebola is common in Africa and normally when some one enters another country with it it's found out and no one gets to know. You would be surprised by the stuff that happens you never get to know. Learn to see through the media. Do your own unbiased research then come back and look at the thread you made and laugh at your under educated mind in this matter.
You’re more likely to die of cancer than ebola. The good thing apparently ebola has an experimental drug that’s proven effective. You gotta think positively or else you’ll be consumed with worry. There’s nothing you can do so just don’t think about it. ISIS has nothing to do with ebola either. We're merely just concerned with getting other countries involved with helping us defeat them. The only reason UK and France is getting involved w/ is us because the people they beheaded are from UK and France.
Today we watched a video on Ebola in biology. The drug, "Zeenat" is the effective drug that worked on 3 patients, two missionaries in the us, and one in the UK. The drug is now being developed and they're reproducing the antibodies in plants in Winnipeg.
Nah, if you look into our history you will find out that there have been far worse diseases. And it shouldn't take them long to find a vaccine. :rolleyes:
Here's what they need to do. Stop all flights out of Dallas, Texas to stop anyone who may have the virus going anywhere else and potentially spreading it. Stop all Flights from going to Africa or any inbound flights coming from Africa. Any country that has any possibility of Ebola should not have any of the population board planes till this is truly done and over with. That can take awhile but that is also a secure and safest way to do it unless all the people who are truly sick and won't have possibility of rival then kill and burn there bodies to get rid of the virus completely.
Ebola shouldn't be too much of a problem, if it gets out, it's because the government is stupid and is letting people go where they want to go. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, it's just in times like this there has to be restrictions. Ebola has been a problem since 1995: It's only a matter of time until people find some form of treatment. No need to panic people with this thread, there's already a lot of talk and worry.
Solution: send Ebola to ISIS Seriously though, there's nothing to worry about as of yet. There have been major epidemics in the past, and we're still here. People will work out ways to contain and cure it. There is no need to cause unecessary worry.
There is nothing to be scared of right now. All the people the ebola victim has come across have been quarintined. This virus is not contageous through the air for now. The virus may adapt and evolve to its state and become contageous through air eventually. But for now we are safe, plus America has a anti ebola vaccine that is currently being tested for its use. Remember Ebola is caught by poop, liquids, coughs, or being around an Ebola victim for to long and breathing in the skin particles that are infected. Again guys most of us are far away and safe from this unfortunate virus. About the ISIS thing. America and the Obama administration are refusing to fight ISIS one on one. We are hoping Turkey and the surrounding countries will team up to fight the terrorist group while we, the Americans provide air support and launch shells and rockets at the enemy from a safe distance. We are safe in the instance aswell. Remember Jarroy. America puts in BILLIONS of dollars into security so a 9-11 style attack wont happen again. We also have state of the art intelligence that is working on getting the ring leaders of ISIS. Again nothing to be scared of guys.
We should be more worried about the respiratory virus! Ebola infects only two people! And thats from things like sneezing on them, bleeding on them, coughing on them or vomitting! And the guys in Africa getting it is because when a family member dies, they cover themselves with the dead mans blood and smear it on themselves. It isn't like being in air contact with anyone with ebola automatically makes the next person have ebola and so forth. (I got some of dis from my dad and a news source). However as they are fearing it MAY become airborne, it is and may not be as bad as it is buffed up to be.