I would and will be playing 1.9. Why? Because of the captions. I am hard of hearing and that simple addition is one thing that will make playing PvE much easier for me. My hearing loss is in the range of not being able to hear creepers, spiders, slimes sometimes too so this will be rather helpful.
I will test out 1.9 when it comes out, because who knows? Pvp might be better, or just normal. We can't all say we hate it because we haven't actually played it yet :/ These I think are pretty cool
I played one of the snapshots, wasn't too hyped to be real lol. I'm not hating on 1.9. or any of you Minecraft 1.9. fans, like I said, I just don't enjoy the new combat system, no, more like hate the new features of the combat system atleast some of them. I like the idea of being able to resummons the ender dragon, being able to see particles on mobs, new arrows, etc. But the new wings, hands, and enchanted/god apples can't be made, etc are not my thing.
I don't really like the idea of the combat system as well, like the shields and dual wielding. But, they might make it really good and may change my mind. I just like the idea of re summoning the ender dragon and those wings, Elytra is what they're called I think?