I'm asking this question because I'm quite upset at the moment. I had been working on my moderator application for about a week, but I log on today to edit it and it's gone. I did not have an up-to-date backup of it and now I'm feeling extremely discouraged. Is there any possible way of recovery? I'm expecting the answer No, because that is such a common response to help threads. Thanks.
Since it may have not been saved to your computer or the forums Moderator Applications section then I'm very sorry but I would have to say no to this question but, In my opinion don't make this discourage you, re-write the application, work hard, have enthusiasm when writing it. I feel if you help a lot, on the forums, in-game, on your application then you may just get the position. Again, don't let your self down and try, try , try. and good luck on your application re-write if you decide to re-write one. I hope you get Moderator. I will put support on your next application if I feel you did a good job.
Unfortuneatly it's gone, I believe drafts are saved in your temporary Internet files or your cookies and if they have cleared as it sounds they have its gone for good