Hi guys and gals, I'm writing about a controversial topic, Ban appeals. And most importantly, accepted ones towards certain players. Sometimes I feel that when people are accepted multiple times and continue to hack I always feel it comes to the fact that people can lie through their teeth and act like they're sorry; when they're not. But I'm not saying it's the moderators fault. It's no-ones (except the hackers of course). I feel that we're too easy on them, It doesn't help the moderators at all if they get banned, become unbanned and restart step 1. Where are we going If we want to ERADICATE hackers. But no knowing the root of why it happens. I'm not saying we shouldn't have appeals, I'm asking if we be more strict with them. Maybe a 1 ban appeal rule to properly tattoo the fact that If you get banned, there's nothing you can do about it. Is there a way to work around this? What do you think? Do you think that ban appeals are ENTIRELY helpful at times, or that we leave it alone. Leave your honest opinions below. -Brian
Each mod deals with ban appeals differently...in my opinion, if someone is banned more than twice, it tells me they haven't learned their lesson and should not be given another chance, no matter how well-written their appeal is.