A lot of people play which is good but most of them attend to abuse /arrow mostly "the freezer arrow" they buy stacks and stacks makes the game really annoying and unfair the most people who abuse /arrow is "selfiepvpforu,kanyph and xxdavidxx they buy stacks of /arrows and start to spam this on every one they see can you consider to ban /arrows thats the only thing in archerpvp that ruins it.
This isn't an offence. It is archer pvp and one person will be better than another. The game isn't unfair but it does add more challenge to it.
If you go to archer pvp I'm the second best player UnderRatxd i get annoyed of being spammed 7 stacks of freezer,explosive,poison and spastic they abuse /arrow they used 7 stacks of freeze arrow to kill me but failed.
ArcherPvP is nothing but bows, I think the special arrows make it unique! its fun to use them if someone is running you can freeze them, if someone is in water you can explode them! These are fun, and they should stay! #LetUsSwitcherAgain No support.
those 2 aren't good enough to kill me some people have 9k buy 7 stacks of freeze arrows to kill me gets annoying they call me a noob for running from a 7vs1 freeze and many other arrows spammed.
Have you guys not seen selfiepvpforu every time i go down i get 7vs1 spammed freeze arrows pretty unfair yet they fail to kill me.i get annoyed of being spammed freeze arrows also selfiepvpforu hacks and rode you recored him before and he still hacks no but he hides it
I only miss most shots do to my bad fps. Plus if you're the "2nd best player" how have you not killed me yet? If i "miss all my shots" wouldn't i be ez af to kill?
Ok with out that pick i would win the fight, with out heal and pick axe i would win smoothly any way this ins't about fights only ban /arrows
I think what UnderRatxd1 is trying to say is that he doesn't really want all arrows in the /arrow removed, but says that freezers should be taken out or at least put a cool-down on them. I agree with him and everyone who plays ArcherPvP would realize that this is a big issue. Its not really "PvP" and "the best player wins" when you are being spammed with stacks of freezing arrows, taking lots of damage, and not being able to do anything about it. I have found that ender-pearls work well but they take away a lot of health and they have a cool-down. In conclusion, we need freezing arrows removed or a cool-down to be added. The other arrows are fine but its freezing arrows that are the big issue.
Yes one person will always be better than someone else, but even the extremely poor players can kill almost everyone when they spam with stacks of freezing arrows. It's not really a proper PvP. Also, many players in ArcherPvP don't like people who use freezing arrows and often wont PvP them. Its not considered a proper PvP style.