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  • Competition April Competition

    Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by CodBucket, Apr 1, 2021.

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    1. CodBucket

      CodBucket Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Premium

      Mar 13, 2015
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      Welcome to the April competition! This month, the competition team will be hosting our annual Easter egg hunt!

      Participants of this competition are only allowed one entry, meaning that you are not allowed to edit your entry with any new eggs that you may have found.

      Various Easter eggs will be hidden across the server. These eggs will be hidden on different game modes and you will be tasked with finding them. There are a total of 3 waves of eggs you may find. These waves are divided into 3 weeks. There is 1 wave per week.

      Week 1 | April 1st - April 7th (Midnight EST)
      Week 2 | April 8th - 14th (Midnight EST)
      Week 3 | April 15th - 21st (Midnight EST)


      Week 1 | These eggs are hidden on Survival. There are a total of 10 eggs.
      Week 2 | There are 10 eggs hidden. These eggs are hidden on an undisclosed gamemode (This could be OP, Survival, KitPvP, or even Parkour!)
      Week 3 | There will be anywhere from 0-15 eggs hidden on an undisclosed gamemode.
      You may only submit your entries once and will not be told if you have the correct amount.


      Each week all of the entries will be put into a raffle. There will be 3 winners for every week with prizes increasing each week.

      Week 1 | 10$ Buycraft voucher or 1 month of forums premium.
      Week 2 | 15$ Buycraft voucher or 1 month of forums premium.
      Week 3 | 25$ Buycraft voucher or 6 month of forums premium.


      Enter via the Google Forms below.
      Week 1 Entry | https://forms.gle/5qmMnq9N1aEVsrzt5
      Week 2 Entry | https://forms.gle/hb8fC496RrhV584y6
      Week 3 Entry | https://forms.gle/fSuiQ1oEzCYFHWZ16


      Last Month's KOTH Competition winners:

      March 20ᵗʰ Round 1 Winners:
      SmogX (1st place) Toad (2nd place) Vans_MC (3rd place)
      March 20ᵗʰ Round 2 Winners:
      imfatlol (1st place) Jonkeh1337 (2nd place) challerodell (3rd place)
      March 27ᵗʰ Round 3 Winners:
      Voins9x9 (1st place) ProdBrodie (2nd place) Fuzeh (3rd place)

      Please leave the replies to questions only. All other comments will be removed.

      Good Luck and Happy Hunting!

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      Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2021
    2. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      Congratulations to Skpye Gabby and SmogX on winning the first wave of the Easter egg hunt! Wave 2 has started and will end on April 14th! Good luck!
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      Last edited: Apr 8, 2021
    3. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      Congrats to Skpye Ref and Aly on winning the second wave of the Easter egg hunt! Wave 3 has started and will end on 21st!
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