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    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by iGlitcher, Oct 17, 2014.

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    1. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Your In-Game Name: Killerdudelol12
      When are you online? Nearly all day Saturday and Sundays and then 4pm+ mon-fri
      How long have you played Mineverse? about 4 months
      Do you play OP Factions? Yes i do
      What is your donor rank? (If none put N.A.) N.A
      What rank are you applying for? (Officer,Member,Recruit) Member/Recruit
      Why do you think you should join Titanz? I Want to join a fun Op fracs and i want to make/help the best Op fracs team on Mineverse. Im a good pvper and i vote alot and i have heaps of cash on there to spend for the allaince and myself.
      Are you good at PvP? Yes
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