so hey. My name is xx420RobloxItxx and uh, today I just wanted to share my opinion of my top 9999 games of 2016 I'm prob going to get. so yeh. if you want to put down your list, go ahead. 1. FireWatch (It's coming out tommarow or 2/9/16) 2. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands 3. This isn't in 2016, but it's still close to 2016, but Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. 4. Roblox 5. ADR1FT (It's a space game, don't judge me.) 6. XCOM 2 (10x better than XCOM 1 but that's just me, so stop posting a reply about this.) *2 hours later* YOU FRICKIN SUCK. EX-CMON 2 IS HORRIBLE. CUKIE CLECKER IS BETTER. 7. I haven't gotten this game yet/nor do I know if it came out in 2016, but Undertale seems kewl. that's pretty it... so uh... bye.
Steam sale is going on rn for Chinese New Years and I really want Electronic Super Joy and Rocket League tbh. Btw, I own Undertale and it's a great game!
I'm into older games like Watch Dogs, or the older Assassins Creed versions. But these games seem to be cool to. :oo
lmao, I had this one friend who has undertale and played on 0.5 hours on the game. Me: YOU JUST PERFECTLY WASTED 1 GOOD GAME OF THE YEAR. LIKE. WHY?
Lol yeah, the beginning is kind of slow so I could see how they'd drop it, but it's a good game if you give it a chance! You should get it dude, it's on sale right now on Steam C: