I believe that this is something that has been going on for a while now. Not many people have mentioned it and at least in my opinion it is a serious issue. The anticheat on kitpvp1 and on kitpvp2 needs an upgrade. Especially on kitpvp1 since staff come on but not enough.
Support. Mineverse really needs to step up their Anti-Cheat sure its good sometimes but I have been seeing so many hackers the past days. Hacking and not getting ban at all its funny how they Fly and anti-cheat does not kick or neither ban.
Support There really needs to be a better anti cheat, hackers can bhop around, walk on water and many other things
Support, but it's never going to happen lol. Even after tons and tons of threads about the same topic... Cyp isn't really understanding that it needs a big change.
You realize, first of all, how easy it would be for them to get a custom one. Second of all, you should realize the fact that the one they have sucks, period. It is way too easy to bypass. If we could even get something that would simply stop a few clients, it would be much better than it is now.
Enough people have mentioned it. A proper anti-cheat costs a lot money. A lot. Sometimes in the 1,000 USD. The other ones are.... meh. I'd probably charge $300 rather than $1,000.
Anyone who pays 1k for an anticheat is insane. They have devs which could make it for an ok price or for free. Not to mention there are some devs newly starting out that would be eager to do it for a small fee.
I didnt mean newer developers, I meant people coming into the industry, sortof starting to do their work for pay if you get what I mean.
It sucks in the anticheat area. It's extremely easy to bypass. When it comes to antiexploits, it's the best of the free ones.
nr it's stopping bhop on op pvp & it's harder to fly. well not many ppl on mv buy paid clients bro. Plus most servers use this with an autoban anti cheat.