i am so done with hackers. MINEVERSE HAS NOOOOO ANTI CHEAT. This is EXTREMELY annoying to those that spend lots of there time on pvp servers. Hackers that FLYY around, this can be SOO easily solved if there was the CHEAPEST anti cheat. Not only would this benefit the players and the mineverse community itself but it would help the mods a TONNN. BTW the admins (that spend .01% of there time on pvp servers) ONLY have access to a alert thing that alerts them when the server suspects that someone is hacking. I find this veryyyyy confusing. Arent mods suppose to be there for banning people, helping people, and MODERATING (yes like there name its mind blowing i know) the server?? The only mods that go on op pvp is @NoMoreSanity @Payable @Janice999 @Cotner (sry if i missed a few of u mods if u want ur name tagged ill add it) . The RESTT of the mods spend there time on op pvp to only ban someone that is reported on the forums and takes 3 days to actually go on the server and ban them. WATCHH THISS-->>>>>>> THIS DUDE IS FLYINGG. if you look in chat he says: Payable tp to me and AFTER tping he is just flying. WHAT kind of server that has around 500+ people DAILY, has this going on. I cannot stress this ENOUGHH .............. PLEASE GET A ANTI CHEAT. Some other videos are here: ALSO i am not directing this towards only op pvp but to ALL of Mineverse @Pile @NoMoreSanity @Janice999 @Jhow @Cotner @Flazer @Exstatisfy @MissMisconceived @CypriotMerks @Nanurz @Alex @AthleticPsycho @BlackZone @Clxrity @Deivid0ze @MaxNinja10 @Dyna_Mighty @kinsey_kid @PandaBear__ @paulainmo @tin15cro @StrKillr @Vanishment @Smiley @Payable @SSMH @Rodeen ^^^ I tagged all the mods (i added rodeen cuz she a future mod) to give me there ideas on hackers and if Mineverse should implement a anti cheat that works or they just shouldnt.. ... BTW I did not mean to offend any of the mods if I did please know Im sorry and don't dislike without a reason... special thanks to cotner for being a god and payable for recording LIKE TO GET RID OF HACKERSS ;p
Cotner isn't the only person who get's on Op PvP. I get on as well, it's probably just the fact that when you get on i'm probably busy doing homework or just running. Support.
i just realized i made this in the ideas and suggestions thing and its annoying me request to move it to just suggestions @AthleticPsycho
Lolwhat Some anti cheat ideas: Kill Aura Detector: Buy a few alts that are coded to fly arround people for a few moments, they are invisible with alot of hearts (constant regeneration), this means is you if hit them you get kicked by the console and a message goes to all the mods online with their hackers IGN. This means hackers will be constantly kicked when mods aren't arround to deal with them. Vote to kick: If there is enough /kick IGN in a certain time frame the console will kick the player, another way the server can be helpful without mods. Anyway, support!
I would love to get rid of hackers and I actually do spend alot of my time on pvp servers, my ban log is like 80% kitpvp 10% oppvp 9%skwars 1% other The moderators do try and I think it's very unfair to have only tagged 4 moderators in that section because actually we all spend alot of time on there, some specialise in specific pvp server E. G. I know tin spends alot of time on prisons however I do agree we need an anti cheat system