Oh wow! Does this mean you will finally answer my questions!? (hmm... doubt it... buy maybe... not... ) lol...
I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE tbh i feel like we never really became friends or connected at all probs cuz we have like nothing in common. i could have sworn u and sando were gonna smash but i guess that never happened : (((. u suck at bedwars but you're cool ig
tbh i dont know who you are but you rated my post about leafu winner so that means that you probably want leafu really bad and that he makes you wet @leafu
lol... Yeah... just as I thought. And you have no clue. Wait... a 12 year old? I'm conflicted; should I be insulted or flattered? TBH she's not good at reading people. ;) She's just out for the drama.
lol... I guess we both don't know each other pretty darn well then. I should know by now "not" to believe what you say... lol.. wait... you almost got me! ;) You're too sneaky! Since I should not believe what you say, then I guess that does mean you are saying you are in fact a girl? This is almost paradoxical... but then again its probably a moot point to go in to the details upon why it is close to being a paradox or why it actually isn't. Actually, thinking about it, I wasn't aware I was supposed to. I guess. Was I? Edit: Love it! Every time I'm right you give me a dislike. Yeah, you're easy to read. Thanks.... I thought so. ;)
impossible tbh ur name is Ferras & ur 13 years old. u live in the state of California, and ur in 8th grade. ur a very jokingly, sarcastic person. u don't go on teamspeak because ur mic does not work unfortunately. u joined the forums December 31, 2013. u first started playing Mineverse around July 2013. u then decided to create a account of the forums couple months. u've been playing this server for about 2 years now, coming up to 2 years. u've been mod on here for about 2 months u believe, then demoted cuz ur a feg. ur currently a titan on mineverse. u've met a ton of friends on here that u really dont appreciate. u will not be naming people because u want everyone to feel left out, but they dont know who they are. If you would like to know more about him, you can visit his TMI, thank you all for reading!