Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Teeeb, Apr 3, 2016.
the average female height is 5'6 though??? at least if I fall I'm closer to the ground
Gives me longer to 'fall' into the push-up pose and start showing off xD
I couldn't even do a push-up if I tried
My Pb is 74 in a row :P
I think that's from the 80's lol. Half of the girls at my school are 5"7 to 6"2
nope, I looked it up, I think you just go to a school full of very, very tall girls
all the boys here are 5"7 and under :') being tall is nice tho!!!
@bruhgrier this is art
anna you're so short wow ;o
im 5'10 are you blind
Thats so short!
not my fault you're a giant.
Lovely to meet you.
u 2 <3