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  • AnimeL0ver13's Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by AnimeL0ver13, Oct 4, 2015.

    1. AnimeL0ver13

      AnimeL0ver13 Active Member

      Mar 8, 2015
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      Who am I?
      I'm Leah, just an ordinary girl playing minecraft daily in between classes. I personally love mineverse as a server, one of the best servers I've come across that my moms laptop can handle. I live in a small town so there's not much to really do around here besides getting online and playing games. I love to watch Anime and read Manga. I love to help people out on the server whenever i can.

      How old are you?

      I am 16yrs old, tad on the young side but oh well:p

      Your in-game name

      My in game name is AnimeL0ver13. I love anime so that's where i got AnimeL0ver, i was 13 at the time that I made my account.

      What timezone are you in?
      I am in the Newfoundland time zone.

      What country do you live in?
      I live in Canada

      What languages do you speak?
      I mainly speak English, but I do speak a fair bit of French.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      I believe I could be quite helpful to the server with about half the things needed, I'm goo with helping people through problems they are experiencing on the server like figuring out how to use a command or something along those lines.

      I try my very best to be kind to people even when they are being annoying or rude. If I am very mad one day I will not being it onto the server at any time. I am also easy to get along with.

      I am very active on the server there are days I cannot get on but I do try my best to get on when I can.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Monday-Wednesday,: 4-11
      Thursday: Possibly not able to get on
      Friday: 3-6, 11-2
      Saturday-Sunday: 10am-2am

      How long have you been playing mineverse?
      I have been playing mineverse for pretty close to 2yrs now. I really enjoyed the server the first day I logged on, since then I have donated twice.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?
      No, I have never been banned from any server on mineverse nor do I intend to.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes, I have been mods on other servers like pixelmon servers. I was jr mod on one pixelmon server. I very much enjoy being a mod because people can come to me for help and I will do my best to help them.

      I hope you take the time to read over my application and decide whether or not I am suitable to be a mod or not. Thank you for your time :D have a nice day.:p
    2. thorraks

      thorraks Guest

    3. Philip320

      Philip320 Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2014
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      No Support.
    4. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
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      No support.

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